Russia - Global Situation Regarding Corona Virus

World Traditional Karate-Do Federation WTKF • Mar 20, 2020

All-Russian of Traditional Karate Federation

Official statement by the organizers of the international tournament 
"Kumite Evolution 4", Sports club "Fudo-Jitsu", Irkutsk

Dear friends and colleagues!
Due to the unstable epidemiological situation in the world and in Russia and on the recommendation of the WTKF governing authorities we have to postpone our tournament, which was planned for April 16th / 19th, to a later date. Supposedly, autumn. We make this decision primarily for the safety of the children, the most numerous participating in this tournament. We ask you not to buy tickets to Irkutsk, to hand over tickets to those who have already bought them, and not to book hotels. And, most importantly, treat this circumstance beyond our control with understanding. 

We also inform you that in the near future we will publish information about the first online tournament in traditional karate-do, which will be for all a response to the current situation, as well as an interesting competitive experience. We wish you and your families good health!
Keep your hands and mind clean!
Pyotr Neupokoev, 4 Dan
All-RTKF Vice-President
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